Better late than never
It took us some time, but the slides from our (Steve Wolfe from CA and myself) December talk in the Boston Agile Marketing meetup are finally publicly available.
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It took us some time, but the slides from our (Steve Wolfe from CA and myself) December talk in the Boston Agile Marketing meetup are finally publicly available.
It is a slightly modified version of Henrik Kniberg’s Kanban Kick-Start Example that he graciously shared using a creative commons license. Why do we need a marketing version you ask? Because we find that people connect better to examples in their own domain so talking about code and development doesn’t really work well with marketers… Feel free to take this one and adapt it for your use and share alike! (Here’s a PowerPoint version you can edit)
Continuous deployment is a process that encourages developers to push new code to production whenever they can. In this presentation, Itai will explain the principles of continuous deployment and will show how Outbrain can deploy code more than 20 times a day while serving recommendations to top publishers (including USA Today, iVillage, Boston.com, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, TheStreet, The Boston Globe, and Slate. Hebrew: Ynet, Haaretz, TheMarker, Globes, City mouse, JPost and more).
Over the past couple of years, my colleagues and I have led dozens of implementations in a variety of companies. As we closed the second year of our company we began noticing the problems and costs incurred by the fact that we each worked differently. E.g. miscommunications, differences in outcomes, and rework done between implementations. We decided it was time we go and analyze our past implementations for common goals and methods of operation.
Want to go Agile in an Agile way?Learn how Kanban is helping pragmatic organizations successfully achieve sustainable and sticky Agility without risky revolutions. What is
I will be talking about:
* The problems that we wanted to solve (some are still with us) and how the Kanban mindset helped us define the change and then implement it
* what challenges we encountered along the way
* what’s important (in my opinion) in this process
* what did we gain (so far) from implementing the change at Pelephone
Continuous Deployment sounds like a great concept, but is it applicable only to small startups? Can it be implemented also in organizations with complex production services and millions of users?
Visualising System Archetypes – visualization and systems thinking
Many organizational challenges are a result of systemic issues, where cause and effect are not directly connected, but are separated by time and involve feedback loops and delays. Given that Kanban is a method for designing a software and systems development system, and systems thinking includes the idea of system archetypes that describe common patterns of behavior, we can use system archetypes to guide our visualizations and help us identify opportunities for improvement. This session will introduce how to understand system archetypes, describe a number of common and relevant archetypes, and discuss patterns that can visualize and thus help break those archetypes
Session Abstract:
Investment Technology Group (ITG) is the advanced stages of implementing an enterprise-wide Agile migration program, and wants to be able to monitor our implementation, both for the teams’ own benefit and for enterprise-wide governance of the migration.
As early as 2002, ITG has piloted the use of Agile for software projects. About two years ago, ITG decided to migrate all of its software development operation to a standard Agile process baseline, based on a mix of XP, Scrum and Lean practices. As part this migration, teams are starting to use Rally’s Agile Lifecycle Management platform. Having a critical mass of projects in Rally. We have started collecting from Rally a set of metrics which provides executives a quantitative insight into the progression of our agile implementation, and can be used by teams to continuously improve as part of their retrospection process. ITG has implemented a fairly comprehensive set of metrics, and plans to implement more based on teams input. These metrics are fairly generic in nature and can probably be useful to others as well.
Lecturer’s short Bio:
Sagi Smolarski is a Director, Software Development at Investment Technology group, leads the global initiative to implement agile and is part of the team creates ITG’s next generation enterprise infrastructure.
Sagi has been leading projects and development teams, and has previously headed the development of ITG’s flagship Execution Management system – Triton, developed by ITG’s first team to implement an Agile process (XP).
Sagi lectures at Ben Gurion University on Advanced Methods in Information Systems Engineering, a course which focuses on the Design, Architecture and Methodologies used to implement software systems, with a special emphasis on Agile methods. Sagi has been teaching Python at the High Tech academy. Sagi holds a BA in Physics from Technion IIT and a BSc in Materials Engineering from the same institution.
NOTE: Today Sagi is a Lead Coach and Partner at AgileSparks
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