DevOps Days Tel Aviv 2013: Kanban – a sane way towards DevOps – Yuval Yeret
https://youtu.be/dlA28yp1YPg DevOps is a higher form of agility. It is a blueprint for a great culture and process between the different groups involved in the
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https://youtu.be/dlA28yp1YPg DevOps is a higher form of agility. It is a blueprint for a great culture and process between the different groups involved in the
https://youtu.be/9yau0x5CPQc The goals set before us a year and half ago were to stop saying “no” to customers for late or changed scope, while helping
Recently in retrospectives of one of the scrum teams, one team member had some strong opinions about guidelines that were defined for code reviews. Besides what to review and how to review, the guidelines also had some instructions on who should review which features/stories’ code. He strongly felt that the reviewers for his stories didn’t add much value, the code reviews waited longer for feedback, and the reviewer didn’t seem to have much context, so didn’t add much value. He felt that his design reviewers or his colleagues working on the same story should have been the peer reviewers!
Seriously, please don’t come.
Don’t come if you’re looking at it as a formality since you already know everything about agile and just need the SPC (SAFe Program Consultant) Certificate.
Don’t come if you’re looking for the cheapest way to get your SPC so that you can add it to your resume.
Don’t come if you don’t know anything about agile and believe the SPC is your silver bullet to becoming an agile coach at the enterprise level.
Don’t come if you’re looking for the certificate rubber stamp.
We’ve all heard it before – “Talented technology team builds amazing product!” That… doesn’t create the impact that they wanted, not enough customers end up buying or the users aren’t happy with it or
This is an especially common problem with companies that have a “brilliant” idea or technology that someone goes developing in their garage (if startup) / innovation product development group (if enterprise). This could be a new product or just a new feature of an existing product. Typically, the Product Owner or Product Manager in the organization specifies what to build. If they’re somewhat Agile, they even work closely with the organization to build it incrementally and hopefully deliver it continuously. But still, even then, too often the product or features don’t provide the expected impact/benefits. Overcoming this challenge is a common theme that is discussed by attendees at our SAFe POPM Course.
when it comes to how to practice SAFe as well as how to implement it, we prefer to consider it a very useful but flexible/incomplete structure that requires well-trained and experienced practitioners to successfully apply, and that’s a key design principle for our Implementing SAFe workshops where we train future SPCs
Navigating the Agile Training Landscape
It’s become pretty confusing these days. If you’re interested in advancing your Agile knowledge there are so many options. I often field questions from people asking me for help choosing the right class for them. Here is my subjective take on things… with a focus on the US market – but probably applicable to many other markets.
As part of our belief that Agile should span more than just the product development/IT department and can actually benefit other areas of the organization, we spend our time practicing and evangelizing Agile in other areas in the organization. Marketing is one of these areas. I recently gave a talk at the Midwest Digital Marketing conference introducing Agile Marketing and telling the story of how we helped introduce it at CA Technologies.
TL;DR – Looking for SAFe exam questions? Sorry, move along, nothing for you here… If otoh you’re looking for some tips on how to properly study for the exam that seems to have worked for dozens of my students for the SPC exam and other SAFe exams, hang around….
I’ve recently been teaching quite a bit of Implementing SAFe classes. Students are always interested in some tips and tricks on how to prepare for the SPC certification exam, especially since it’s a non-trivial exam even if you attend a class with trainers that know what they’re doing and if you listen and participate throughout. The vast majority of my students pass the exam, but it doesn’t hurt to know how to study.
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