Become a Successful Scrum Master By AgileSparks’ Experts
This time we gathered our Scrum experts and asked each of them to give their best tips on how to become a successful Scrum Master
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This time we gathered our Scrum experts and asked each of them to give their best tips on how to become a successful Scrum Master
Sprint planning is an important event that has a significant impact on the team’s effectiveness and productivity during the sprint.
The most critical aspects of successful sprint planning are the level of the team’s commitment to the goal of the sprint and handling the sprint backlog.
To encourage the team’s commitment to the sprint, the Scrum Master (SM) should include all the members of the team in planning the sprint and, together with them, craft a challenging sprint goal and estimate the tasks involved. Another important mission of the SM is to prevent managers from putting pressure on team members to take on more than they can deliver and commit to
Comparing Nexus and SAFe – Similarities, Differences, Ideas.
I’ve been asked several times now about Nexus and SAFe – what are the similarities, differences, etc. If you’re not familiar with either Nexus or SAFe I recommend taking a look at the Nexus Guide and the SAFe whitepaper first.
The Scrum Master’s role has become one of the most important and challenging roles in modern organizations since they act as the main interface between top management and the teams that actually produce and deliver the company’s value to the customer.
Earlier this month I was helping a software organization in an Israeli defense organization (that’s why there are no pictures) run their first PI Planning event. The day after I told my colleagues at Agilesparks that this is one event I will try to remember whenever I get into difficult times doing coaching, something that happens from time to time, coaching being what it is. I will try to remember that day because of the magic that happened somewhere around noon. And I want to tell you all about it.
Scrum Reading List User Story Primer by Dean Leffingwell The 8 Stances of a Scrum Master | Scrum.org How to improve your Daily Scrum? Scrum
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