Navigating the Change Journey: An Agile Transformation at – Webinar Recording


Join us for an insightful webinar where we delve into the transformation journey to Agile of, a leading player in the Ad Tech industry. This session will reveal the challenges faced, strategies employed, and outcomes achieved in a real-world SaaS startup environment. Discover how Agile practices were implemented to address delivery and quality issues, enhance communication and planning, and ultimately foster a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

Additionally, Oren and Amir have compiled a summary of the webinar. To access the summary, please click HERE.

About the Speakers:

Oren Levi, Lead Coach at AgileSparks, PSM and SPC: Oren has extensive experience in Agile coaching and is helping organizations navigate complex transformations and achieve scalable Agile implementations.

Amir Rudner, Vice President of Research and Development at Amir brings a wealth of knowledge in video technology and platform development and has led the successful transformation to Agile from the get-go.

The webinar was held on August 6th, 2024.

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