DevOps Days Tel Aviv 2013: Kanban – a sane way towards DevOps – Yuval Yeret
https://youtu.be/dlA28yp1YPg DevOps is a higher form of agility. It is a blueprint for a great culture and process between the different groups involved in the
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https://youtu.be/dlA28yp1YPg DevOps is a higher form of agility. It is a blueprint for a great culture and process between the different groups involved in the
https://youtu.be/9yau0x5CPQc The goals set before us a year and half ago were to stop saying “no” to customers for late or changed scope, while helping
Leverage Kanban and DevOps to improve Scrum
Should you use Scrum, Kanban, or DevOps? You don’t have to choose: Scrum teams improve when they look at flows inside and outside their sprints from a Lean/Kanban perspective. In this session, we will talk about Kanban-related myths prevalent in the Scrum world and identify common ground between them. We will look at ways to bring Kanban flow into your Scrum: the Kanban-based Sprint/product backlog, flow-based daily Scrum, visualizing aging work, and flow-based Sprint planning. We will describe ways to wrap Scrum with a Kanban flow system, and at the higher-level picture of a DevOps culture and process. You’ll leave with a better understanding of how Scrum, Kanban, and DevOps relate to each other and with ideas for experiments to try when back at work.
Recorded at Agile New England
Starting with Product Stream Speaker: Yuval Yeret @ LKCE12 Starting with Managers Kanban Practice-informed theory about how to start a lean/agile journey. See http://bit.ly/LKCE12-Yuval for
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