Enhancing Productivity by Example
By Ohad Barzilay @ AgileIL11
Session Abstract:
Using examples in software development is a fundamental practice that increases developers’ productivity and software quality. However, in order to exploit their full potential, examples should be used habitually and correctly in an example-supportive environment.
We show that developers use examples less frequently than they think. We highlight the great potential that exists in habitual example usage and its challenges. We provide the audience with a set of simple tools to be incorporated into agile development that would increase their productivity both individually and organizationally wise.
Lecturer’s short Bio:
Ohad Barzilay teaches agile development at Tel Aviv University, where he is also working towards a Ph.D. degree in computer science. In his research, he investigates effective example usage in professional development (“copy and paste”). His professional experience includes working as a software engineer at several software companies, teaching Computer Science and Software Engineering courses in five academic institutes, and training in various companies.