Your Professional Scrum Partner

Professional Scrum Implementations With AgileSparks

Real Scrum is professional Scrum.

It is based on Empiricism concepts – Transparency, Inspect and Adapt as well as Scrum Values – Focus, Openness, Commitment, Courage, and Respect.Real Scrum is hard. It requires challenging your comfort zone.

Since 2009 we’ve been helping companies like HP, Comverse, Amdocs, NCR, AT&T, Eagle Investments, Philips, Motorola implement Scrum in a professional way. Our team of Professional Trainers (PSTs) and coaches has a deep understanding of Scrum theory, practices as well as real-world application that is pragmatic without sacrificing the heart of Scrum.


Our Professional Scrum Trainer (PSTs)

Oded Tamir

Lead Coach, PST, SPC

Our client’s scaling experiences:

We’re helping companies you know do Scrum for real

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