When teaching SAFe (The Scaled Agile Framework) we talk about “Ba” – the sense of togetherness and connectedness that amplifies the performance of teams and larger groups (e.g. Agile Release Trains).
This week when visiting Leankit (To teach an Implementing SAFe 4.0 SPC4 class to their Customer Success coaching team) I had the opportunity to see their Sweep ceremonies (Sweep ~= Program Increment) – a Demo and Business Context event for the whole company.
The sense of “Ba” – people having fun together, enjoying their week together, and working towards the company’s mission, was in the air.
What amplified it was great music mixed by Alex Glabman. Both the choice of background music and “walk up” music as each speaker took the stage complemented the atmosphere perfectly.
It was only fitting that the music was played from another source of great “Ba” inspiration – Spotify…
Oh, and I also delivered a short talk about SAFe, what I’m seeing in the market/industry around it, and the new mapping of LeanKit to SAFe 4.0 I was involved in creating. Can you guess which song was my “walk up” music? 🙂
VERY Short Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Overview for Leankit All Hands Meeting from Yuval Yeret
VERY Short Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Overview for Leankit All Hands Meeting
By Yuval Yeret, 2017
During a visit to LeanKit (The company behind the awesome visualization kanban tool LeanKit Kanban) this week I was asked to deliver a very short overview of SAFe, what trends I see in the market around it, how it connects to Kanban, etc. Here it is… Note this isn’t self-explanatory. So if you’re interested in what I meant to say here, reach out. Maybe I’ll follow up with a blog post at some time if there’s enough interest.