Sagi Smolarski

Partner, SPC, Lead Coach

Sagi started his career in software 20 years ago, fresh out of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Since then he has worked as a Software Engineer, Software Architect, Project Manager, Product Manager and VP R&D in companies ranging from the defense industry and the financial services sector to start-up environments. While at Investment Technology Group in 2001, Sagi led the first project to adopt eXtreme Programming and later on lead the company’s global transition to Agile using a mix of eXtreme Programming and Scrum. Sagi has been teaching courses in Software Engineering at Ben Gurion University, and Python intro courses at the Hi-Tech college. Since joining AgileSparks in early 2012, Sagi has accumulated experience leading agile implementation of Kanban and Scrum with dozens of teams. Sagi holds a B.A. in Physics and a B.Sc. in Materials Engineering, and completed Software Engineering Studies in the Technion. Nowadays, Sagi focuses on agile teams transitions, process metrics and simulation of software processes and on creating tools that help distributed teams and companies collaborate effectively. On the rare occasions when he’s not busy dealing with technology and teams, Sagi flies small airplanes.

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